100 Days Later: APA Perspectives on the Trump Administration
Tuesday, May 18, 2017 6:00 - 8:00pm LAPD Headquarters, Deaton Auditorium 100 W. 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
At the outset of his term, President Trump signed a "Contract with the American Voter" outlining his 100 day plan to "Make America Great Again". In an op-ed with the Washington Post, President Trump touted that in his first 100 days, "I kept my promise to Americans" and more, prompting WaPo to republish the op-ed with its own fact-checking annotations. Thus far, some have called the Trump presidency a resounding success, while others, including a writer for the New York Times, call this Administration's first 100 days the "worst on record."
APABA invites you to join us for an evening of dining and discussion to reflect on the Trump Administration's first 100 days. How have the Trump Administration's policies affected the APA community, and the communities at large? What lessons have we learned from the travel ban, and what are community advocates doing to fight it? How will President Trump's plans for the Affordable Care Act change health care in America?
All this and more will be discussed at APABA's annual Heritage Month panel. Joining us on our esteemed panel are:
Dinner will be provided by Park's Finest. MCLE credit will be provided.
This event will also support Dress for Success. The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. You are invited to donate any clean female professional wear or make a monetary donation. Of particular need are any women's clothing size 16 and up.